Affordable ✅ Accountable ✅ World Class ✅

Mental Skills Training For All Your Athletes

Champion’s Mind will help your athletes develop their toughness, confidence, leadership and handling of pressure. Use the form below to get a free demo and guide.

Performing Under Pressure

Champion’s Mind provides each athlete with a mental skills toolbox for staying calm and focused in tight battles.

Mental Toughness

Champion’s Mind brings athletes back their love of sport - and builds enjoyment in daily grind.

Teamwork &

Champion’s Mind shows each athlete the right approach to getting the best from themselves and from each other.

Teams using Champion's Mind as a competitive edge


Deliver the same mental skills training to your athletes that has worked for 17 Olympic gold medalists and counting.


Champion’s Mind is structured into short modules, each with a core focus. Assign and review one major concept each week.


The mental training work completed by your athletes is tracked and reviewable. No more pretending to do the work.

Created by Dr Jim Afremow

Qualified counsellor, sports psychologist and author of the Champion's Mind Books.

Olympic Gold Medalists


San Francisco Giants

Hall of Famers


“Dr. Jim Afremow has fortified my mental game in becoming more confident, consistent, and clutch as an ice and inline hockey goaltender. His work has guided my performance in professional leagues, World Championships, and World Games.”

- Jetta Rackleff
5 Time World Champion, Inline Hockey

“Dr. Jim Afremow has fortified my mental game in becoming more confident, consistent, and clutch as an ice and inline hockey goaltender. His work has guided my performance in professional leagues, World Championships, and World Games.”

- Jetta Rackleff
5 Time World Champion, Inline Hockey

“Dr. Jim Afremow is a great sports psychologist. He can help you to think like a champion in your own game.”

- Osea Kolinisau
2016 Olympic Gold Medalist, Men’s Rugby Sevens

“Dr. Jim Afremow is a great sports psychologist. He can help you to think like a champion in your own game.”

- Osea Kolinisau
2016 Olympic Gold Medalist, Men’s Rugby Sevens

“For athletes, with each competition and every practice comes new challenges to overcome and new opportunities to grow. Jim gives you the roadmap for making the most of those moments and sets you up to overcome it all.”

- Rebecca Soni
2 Time Olympic Gold Medalist, Swimming

“For athletes, with each competition and every practice comes new challenges to overcome and new opportunities to grow. Jim gives you the roadmap for making the most of those moments and sets you up to overcome it all.”

- Rebecca Soni
2 Time Olympic Gold Medalist, Swimming

“The mental component of sport has long been acknowledged, but few people knew enough about how to cultivate that skill to make a difference in performance. Dr. Jim Afremow takes mental conditioning and breaks it down in easy to understand ways that we can put into practice immediately.”

- Tianna Bartoletta
4x Olympic and World Champion

“The mental component of sport has long been acknowledged, but few people knew enough about how to cultivate that skill to make a difference in performance. Dr. Jim Afremow takes mental conditioning and breaks it down in easy to understand ways that we can put into practice immediately.”

- Tianna Bartoletta
4x Olympic and World Champion

How Does Champion's Mind Work?

App for athletes on the go

Athletes begin by downloading the Champion's Mind app, which gives them access to 130+ mental training sessions, including a structured 12 module mental skills training framework you can work through with them.

Overview dashboard for coaches

As a coach, you also get access to the coach dashboard, where you can assign modules and review each athlete's daily and weekly progress, plus choose from a series of team exercises that can be run to reinforce the lessons in each module.

Make an initial inquiry and we’ll send you a free guide to running a mental skills training course for all your athletes.

Download the app and see why it is rated highly on the App Store - the first module is free to access for all athletes and coaches.

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